Feedback from Teachers
“I have been using your resources on Bullying, they have been great and quickly had an impact in our sessions.”
“Well presented – colourful and engaging yet not patronising in relation to age”
“Clear and easy to understand, the teacher instructions [are] excellent as non-specialists can easily see what is required preparation-wise and very easy to follow the instructions”
“The powerpoint is powerful, engaging and for some students it will be quite shocking.”
“The pupils were engaged and found the lessons very interesting.”
“The staff room was full of positive conversation this morning …The culture and language of us all being involved will definitely have made an impact – we certainly hope so anyway! – [and] The approach to the learning by debunking myths and engaging the children in this conversation was one aspect that my deputy and headteacher really liked. Oh and stick with the data, it’s real, meaningful and paints a fascinating picture – we love stats too!”
“Well planned and well paced. Good range of resources.”
“Relevant and believable statistics used that the students could access, find meaningful and are still discussing these few weeks later.”
“The responses to the sessions have been really positive so far and it’s been great to see what you’ve been doing with the pupils.”
“I really like the roleplay aspect of this lesson plan. It is really simple to follow and I like that it has differentiation for questions.”
“The students had an amazing afternoon on Friday and have been reflecting this week on all that they learnt – so thank you to you and the team for being so brilliant!”
“Logical, well researched, interesting and very relevant to the issues that young people face.”
“I have spoken to several of the students involved and as I’m sure you know from the surveys collected, they have been really positive and have told me in person how much they enjoyed the sessions.”
“The level of engagement was high throughout the program… I really like the fact that most of the sessions helped to engender debate and aimed to get the students to think about their beliefs and views rather than being prescriptive and not interactive. I think this method of delivery really helped them to identify examples of gender bias more clearly – I was really proud and impressed to hear how thoughtful some of their responses were!”
Feedback from students
“A lot better than any lesson or assembly I’ve ever got from school or college.”
“It ignites actual thought in a student and allows discussion to develop”
“Stunning, eye-catching and very aesthetically pleasing”
“It’s powerful as it takes the time to look at all points of views. The message in the lesson is not about patronising victims of bullying as so many lessons I had in school seem to be themed.”
“It starts conversations and gets students thinking.”
“I was confused at first as to you why you wouldn’t call a bully a bully but after you explained I realised what an amazing idea it was as it helps turn a bully to a goodie.”
“I learnt that people who are bullied shouldn’t be labelled as victims as it implies that they’re weak when they are really much stronger than they can imagine.”
“I thought about [it] and I actually think that I could’ve bullied someone without actually noticing, that I can hurt a person not meaning to. Your group made people think about what they do.”
“I have really learned a lot from the sessions and what I have taken away from it is that intervening in bullying is always a positive because whether you are helping the person being bullied, giving the person bullying someone to talk to or whether you give yourself the feeling that you’ve done the right thing, you have helped someone.”